Sunday, January 4, 2009

Three things God knows about you that you don't know!

We had a beautiful First Sunday of the year. I was overjoyed at all that took place today. I spoke from the 139th division of Psalm. We(Me & God) talked about:

"Three Things that God knows about you that you don't know"

1. God know your POSSIBILITIES. He knows what you can do even when you don't think you can do it.Remember we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The key words are Christ who strengthens us.

2. God knows your LIMITATIONS. The song writer said that "He never puts more on you than you can bear". He won't give you something to do that you can't do. He knows your limitations! If he tells you that you can do something, then YOU CAN DO IT. Remember he knows your possibilities and your limitations.

3. God knows your NEEDS. But my God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus(Phil. 4.19). Now if he can supply all your needs why do we worry. We have gotten spoiled and now we just know that our needs are automatically supplied. Now we think all we have to worry about is our wants. But God only supplies all our needs if we follow Him.

It was a wonderful day. We brought two converts in. One by letter and one by baptism. God is really blessing St. Luke and we have to get ready for our blessing. Remember God's got a blessing with our name on it.

We suffered a great loss this week. Sis. Ella Ballinger the wife of our former pastor Rev. W.W. Ballinger has gone home to be with GOD. We offer our deepest sympathy to her family. Please keep her family in your prayers.

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