St. Luke, St. Luke, St. Luke! Oh how I love Her. The Luke was on fire today, His presence was truly felt. We do have a good time at "The Luke", but its more to christianity than having a good time at church. I believe a change ought to come. In 2 Corinthians 5: 17 Paul states that: "Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons!" This is from the message bible but the NKJV says it like this: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passewd away, behold all things become new". All means all and that is all that all means. If you are a christian a change should have come over you. We should be different from the way we were B.C. (Before Christ). We shouldn't be back biting, hatin' on each other, indifferent, thinking we are better than others, etc. We know the rest, we know what we do that we shouldn't be doing in church or outside of the church. We are stunting the growth of the Kingdom.
The problem with the church is that we act worse than the world, that's what is stunting the growth of the kingdom. We look at church as a social club, night club for Sunday Morning, not as the hospital that is. You don't go to the hospital and leave the same way you come, you get healed. So when you come to the House of God and you get saved you should be different, a new life should burgeon! Stop stunting the growth of the Kingdom! CHANGE!
Today we (Me & God) preached about "God's Formula for Action". James 2: 14- 24. I love that 20th verse. Faith without works is dead. Our faith alone is not enough, Paul said that if we believe and confess and then we shall be saved (C+B=S) and that is true, but I like how James added something else to it. He said we need a little more, we need some action and it has to be GOD centered action, and on top of that we need to spread the word, we need to evangelize, we need to tell somebody, Matthew said we have to let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Faith without works isn't faith at all. So what James is saying is (F+W) X U2= God Centered Action. Faith + Works x's you telling somebody about the love of GOD = God Centered Action.
We can't leave out any part of God's equation. We have to work it, just like He told us to. So let's work the formula and see God make a change in our lives, in our homes, in our communities and even in our churches. I'm Out! Holla!
We Have Moved!!!
12 years ago
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