Even though it was raining outside the Lord caused The SON to shine on my day as He always does.
It started out in Owensboro Ky. at the Zion Baptist Church to celebrate the 34th Anniversary of my dear friend Rev. Larry Lewis. The spirit was very high in the place. My sermon was entitled "After all these years what shall I preach" 2Timothy 4: 1-3. Preach Jesus, be instant in season and out, when they want to hear you and when they don't. Study to shew thyself approved a workman rightly dividing the word of truth. If you are studied up & prayed up the Lord will give you a word, and make it fresh. Truly a word from GOD!
After a safe trip back to Louisville in the rain (thanks to a very safe driver) :-) we arrived at the Day Spring Missionary Baptist Church (where the pastor is my good friend Rev. John Campbell) right on time to hear the beautiful voices of "The St. Luke Sanctuary Choir" that I missed so much this morning.
I preached about an "Attitude of Grattitude" Matt. 2: 7,8; Luke 2: 7, 25. We preached about how we have very bad attitudes when it comes to CHURCH, and how King Herod and us have attitudes of hostility, how he didn't want anybody to take over his kingdom so he wants to kill Jesus, how he said one thing with his lips and another with his actions. Just like us.
Next was an attitude of indifference, we don't want to help the pastor, we ain't against the pastor either we are just stuck in the middle somewhere. Like the innkeeper who didn't try to find someone to let Mary use their bed to have the baby Jesus. He didn't have anything against Mary & Joseph but he didn't do anything to help them either, Just Like Us.
Next was an Attitude of Spiritulality. Simeon had an attitude of Spirituality, because He believed what God had promised him through the Holy Spirit, that he wasn't going to leave this earth until he got to see The Son of the Living GOD. I'm here to tell you that whatever GOD promises will happen. Simeon went to the Church House and there was the baby Jesus and he picked him up and held him in his arms, and went to Die in Peace because he had seen the Messiah.
We ned to have a attitude of grattitude, we need to thank the Lord for all that he's done (all means all and that's all that all means).
That was "My Wonderful Sunday"
We Have Moved!!!
12 years ago