It really feels good to be in the land of the living this morning, I would like to say I have been busy, very busy and haven't had a chance to record in my blog.
First, The Lord was moving in St. Luke yesterday We had a wonderful time, He sent two new souls our way. We thank the Lord for Rev. & Mrs Virgil Durham, He just keeps on blessing us.
Our message morning was titled "Too Little Too Late" Exodus 3: 14a ; Revelation 1: 7-8, We were trying to let everybody know that we don't have a whole lot of time, we can't wait til' Jesus comes back to get it right, we have to at least try and "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path" Don't let it be too little too late.
In the evening we visited "Sweet Leaf Primitive Baptist Church" Where my good friend Elder Nate Anderson is the pastor. I found out something yesterday, Nate is not as old as I thought he was, I've always looked up to him because he was around my father, but I've come to find out that I am older than him. It was for their Choir anniversary.
I preached about "I just can't tell it all" John 21: 25, John was letting that the things he wrote were not all that Jesus had done while on this earth. If he had to write it all down it wouldn't be enough books to hold it. Sometime we try to explain something or tell a story and we mess it up trying to tell the whole story. When we attempt to tell the whole story, every little detail it gets boring, If a preacher preaches too long it gets boring, If a deacon prays too long it gets boring, If a movie is too long it gets boring, I think you get the picture, but when I think about the goodness of God I don't want to bore no one so I just tell them all the very important things, because " I just can't tell it all" We'll be there all night.
Looking forward to getting back into my blog. It helps me with my writing and typing skills. Thanks for reading it and if you see where I need improvement don't hesitate to let me know, I love constructive criticism.