We had a wonderful "Worship Experience" yesterday, it was so good I don't know where to begin. The youth of our church were in charge of the whole service except for preaching and they did a wonderful job (they brought tears to my eyes). They sung and they did the announcements, they even did the devotion part of the service. I am really proud of them, and I have to give thanks to the ones who worked with them also.
We preached from the books of Hebrews 10:22-25; Psalm 19:14, "Christian Tips for Critical Times"
- Christian Tip #1: Draw near to God. Hebrews 10:22 says "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith" This is no time to put your faith on hold.
- Christain Tip #2: Hold Fast! Hebrews 23 tells us not to let our faith waver. If we put down our shield of faith, the darts and arrows of misfortune will soon plunge their way into our heart. Keep the hope that is found in Jesus.
- Christian Tip #3: Stick Together! Hebrews 24 and 25 reminds us to pay attention to each other and stay close together. The truth is, we need each other.
What we need to do is let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in His sight and say Oh Lord because He is our STRENGTH and He is our REDEEMER and He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek him. I challenge you to keep on seeking Him, even in these critical times keep on seeking Him.