Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Just Made History! GOD Bless America!

We just made history. All of this happened because we gave our time, talent and passion to this campaign. I am glad that GOD let me live to see all of this happen. We have plenty of ancestors that didn't live to see all of this. Barak is standing on the shoulders of all of them that lived through the civil rights movement, but not only Barak, we all are standing on the shoulders of them that came before us.

So let's not forget as black people that Barak is the President of the United States not of Black America and put so much pressure on him that we set him up for failure. So let's pray for him and his family that he can withstand the pressures of his job. It's gonna be a hard road ahead but with faith in GOD he can make it and if he does we do too.

A a nation and as a people we have showed what GOD can do if become united and stand together.

The word Barakah means A Blessing from GOD. So as I close I will say to you May the Lord Barakah you real good.

Monday, November 3, 2008

God is Good All the Time Psalm 107: 1-7

Hello, Missed you last week. I would like to apologize I guess I had too much time off. We didn't have an evening service last week so I took advantage of some time off and got some things done around the house.

I started out the day at Greater Galilee where my good friend Rev. Eric Johnson is Pastor. My little brother Rev. Walter Davis was delivering the message at 8:30 am and 11:30, I only got to hear the preliminaries and the choir the music was wonderful. I had to open up St. Luke for Sunday School.

We had a blessed time at church yesterday all day. Our message was entitled God is Good All the Time (Psalm 107: 1-7)

  • God is Good
  • God’s love endures forever
  • God is a rescuer

I felt so good preaching yesterday I didn't want to stop. I just couldn't let it go.

We were also blessed to have "The Man in Drive on 65" Herb Mayes in our presence yesterday. He stressed education to our youth. He told them "Don't be a loser in the back of a police cruiser".

Our evening program was for the building fund and our guests were Greater Freeborn MBC we had a spirit filled time. My good friend Rev. Eric Sawyer's subject was "Light the Church" He said we should be that light that lights the church.