Well Hello and Happy Labor Day! I have been missing in action as far as my Blog goes. I have been terribly busy and just haven't had time to give my daily report but I'm Back. Enough with the excuses.
We at St. Luke are
in the middle of a metamorphosis (a very big change). We have been named the preferred developers of the property behind our existing facility by the City of Louisville's Urban Renewal Department, so we are hoping to build a new church in the near future. The Lord has been blessing St. Luke so much so fast it is hard to keep up with the blessings. People have been joining church, we baptized three last month and on next Sunday we will be baptizing six, you can't tell me GOD ain't Good.
I've been teaching on tithing and being good stewards of our blessings from GOD. We know that nothing in life is free you can ask Jesus about that, He had to give up his life so we can have a right to eternal life.
On last Sunday 8/24 my sermon was entitled "Chicken George" Mark 10:17-31. I was preaching about the young rich man who thought his money would help him attain eternal life. Chicken George was a fictional character I said I had seen in the store that was a member of the church and he had had financial troubles, but he had gained a large sum of money and since then he hadn't been to church. He told me he would be back to church when he had gotten his life together. Let the truth be told he would be back as soon as he was broke again. Well you know it's a little Chicken George in all of us. We need to realize that GOD is the source of all our blessings so how can we leave him out when it comes time to give him a little back.
On 8/31 my sermon was titled When Just Enough is Enough! 1 Kings 17:8-16. I was preaching about the widow who was told by GOD to take care of Elijah with what little she had, and when she did GOD took the little she had and made it enough. It (the sermon) touched on tithing, faith and plain old just taking GOD at his word.
On this coming Sunday 9/07 we will be celebrating Men's Day. I will be baptizing and preaching at morning service, but in the evening our speaker will be My Pastor Rev. Phillip L. Hodge and my home church "The Fifth Street Baptist Church". Stay tuned for my sermon skeleton for Next week.